Aquatec products include HDPE square cages, round cages, submersible cages; UHMWPE knotless anti-predator net; floating dock; Marine Alumunium & Ecowood floating house; and a series of anti sink boat. In the aquaculture sector, Aquatec products are built on the foundation of extensive knowledge in HDPE pipe co-extrusion (for antibiofouling cages), large HDPE component injection, and other HDPE processing since 2008. As demand for aquaculture products rises, so is our capacity and capability in manufacturing advanced HDPE cages. As of 2019, we have delivered over 15,750 cages in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Philippines, China, Maldives, and Ghana in various sea conditions. Here is an overview of some of Aquatec technologies:
1. Knock down cage system with innovative pipe closure method.
One of the first Aquatec product is the Square Flexi Type Cage, designed to be flexible and durable even in 2 meters wave. The main feature of the cage is its knockdown system, where the cage is composed of separate components that can be assembled using stainless steel grade 316 bolts with simple tools, and can be dismantled when needed. This makes the cost of transportation cost very efficient, and the assembly process so convenient. Also, an innovative pipe closure method enables the pipe closure to be completely water resistant and able to resist up to 17,500 kg of force without damage.
PT. Gani Arta Dwitunggal developed round HDPE cages that can be used in offshore waters with waves up to 4 meters high or more. In order to achieve such engineering feat, Aquatec implements improved butt fusion technology, which is a butt fusion connection with the thickness up to twice the thickness of the pipe, resulting in much stronger connection than the pipe itself. This technology eliminates pipe connection damage risk on the round cage. Furthermore, watertight partitions are installed at the pipe joint to divide the pipe into several watertight compartments, which greatly improves the safety and durability of the round cage that enables Aquatec round cage to withstand in harsh waters.
PT. Gani Arta Dwitunggal produces pipe joint (bracket) for round HDPE cages using high capacity HDPE injection machine in order to make it into a compact one piece component including rail support. The result is a monoblock pipe joint (bracket) that has no connection or weak points, and therefore able to withstand rough sea condition.
4. Antibiofouling HDPE Pipe.
PT. Gani Arta Dwitunggal layered its HDPE pipe with 1-2mm of anti-UV and Antibiofouling layer. Antibiofouling prevents fouling on HDPE pipe, reducing maintenance efforts and costs associated with biofouling management. Anti-UV protects HDPE pipe from intense UV rays and greatly increase product lifetime. This technology is environmentally friendly and only available with Aquatec.
PT. Gani Arta Dwitunggal developed the fastest submersible cage in the world, first in South East Asia, able to submerge 15 meters underwater in under 5 minutes of operation time and can be refloated back to the surface in under 10 minutes. The cage submerges and refloats perfectly on its sides, always retaining perfect cylindrical net shape. This technology is developed to be used in typhoon prone areas such as Vietnam, Philippines, and south of China, providing quick response to typhoon so that fish farmer can grow fish throughout the year. Aquatec offshore submersible cage is also easy to operate, able to be operated with only 2 operators.
PT. Gani Arta Dwitunggal is the first in South East Asia to develop UHMWPE (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene) knotless aquaculture net that have the tensile strength as strong as steel wire to resist marine predators. The net is also very light and easy to clean.
PT. Gani Arta Dwitunggal developed an innovative floating dock system that is flexible and can follow the movement of waves, while maintaining stability and durability. Aquatec also developed a floating house made of marine aluminum and WPC (Wood Polyethylene Compound) that is seaworthy.
PT. Gani Arta Dwitunggal developed a durable anti sink boat for multipurpose use in the form of jukung, catamaran, and heavy duty pontoon