Typhoon storms are common occurences in South East Asia, especially in Vietnam and the Philippines, as well as southern China region. It occurs during monsoon season between the month of July and October, and usually brings with it sea waves up to 9 meters high, which are devastating even to offshore cages.
The Ultimate Solution Against Typhoon Storms.
A special kind of offshore cage technology is therefore needed for those who wish to set up an offshore farm in typhoon prone areas. Aquatec Offshore Submersible Cage is an offshore cage that can be submerged 10-20 meters underwater, completely negating the effect of typhoon storms and extreme waves. The first of its kind to be developed in South East Asia, it is currently the fastest operating offshore submersible cage in the world and also the most economical. It has been used against real typhoon storms with 9 meters wave in southern China region.
Submerging an Aquatec Offshore Submersible Cage takes less than 5 minutes and can be left behind, enabling parallel submerging of multiple cages and providing quick response to the coming typhoon storm. It can be operated with as little as 2 persons, with no divers needed. The refloating process takes less than 10 minutes and can also be operated with 2 persons with no divers needed. As an added value, net bottom frame can be floated to bring the net to the surface, making it easy to harvest the fish and clean the net.
Aquatec Offshore Submersible Cage is completely safe from typhoon and up to 9m wave when submerged.
How It Works
A series of innovative interlocking ballast and buoyancy system enables the submerging and refloating of Aquatec Offshore Submersible Cage. Submerging is as simple as opening up a number of valves, and refloating is as simple as pumping a hose with compressed air. We calculate the optimum ballast and buoyancy of every cage size so that our offshore submersible cage series remains economical yet effective for every size. You can compare our price and speed of operation with other submersible cage suppliers and we are confident that we come out on top on both.
We also have refined our technology with precision so that, unlike cages from other suppliers that submerge or refloat in a horribly slanted position, our cage submerge and refloat equally on its sides at any point during the submerging and refloating process, with net retains perfect cylindrical shape. Therefore there is no loss of net volume, and fish stress is kept to a minimum.

Submerging Prosess

Submerging Process
- Submerging process takes less than 5 minutes and can be left behind, enabling parallel submerging of multiple cages
- Does not require additional equipments, operable with 2 persons
- Net retains perfect shape underwater
- Refloating process takes 10 minutes
- Net frame can be floated to bring net to the surface for easy fish harvesting and net cleaning
Other Offshore Cages
Aside from round offshore cages, we also have offshore cages with varying shapes and sizes. For small sized offshore cage, we have rectangular offshore cage from 3m x 3m to 5m x 5m. For medium sized offshore cage, we have octagonal offshore cage from 6m to 10m diameter.
Because we manufacture all cage components by ourselves, our product has unparalleled design function and flexibility. If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact our staff for support.
We are looking forward to build aquaculture industry together with you.