Ready to support Indonesia’s white snapper cultivation program in the days to come by supplying domestically made offshore floating marine cages
Indonesia is graced by a vast ocean with a diversity of fish resources within. Based on the data obtained from the Ministry of Marine and Fishery of Indonesia, the ocean in Indonesia totals to an area of 3,257,357 km2, while the land area is 1,919,443 km2. Judging from the percentage, 63% of Indonesian territory is covered with water, while the remaining 37% is land. This shows that Indonesia is a maritime country, and the sea will be the future of this nation.
From that total ocean area, 120,000 km2, or 4% of it, holds a potential for marine cultivation terrain. About 11,520,000 hectare or 96% is the potential marine cultivation terrain which can be utilized for marine culture except for seaweed commodity.
In 2015, the national fish production is dominated by freshwater cultivated fish production (69%) and brackish water cultivated fish production (30%). Unfortunately, in the same year, marine cultivation production was only 1%. That number is dominated by clams (62%) and grouper fish (25%). Meanwhile, cultivated white snapper production only contributed 8%.
Support Snapper Production
Whita snapper (Barramundi) is targeted to be a marine culture commodity that will take the spotlight in 2017. Its wide market both local and export makes white snapper an even sexier item for cultivation.
Data shows that white snapper production in 2016 did not even reach 2 thousand tons. This is considered very little since Indonesia has a potential of approximately millions of tons. Currently, the export market for white snapper both fresh and frozen is open for USA, EU, Australia, and Asia.
In this regard, Andi J Sunadim, the General Manager of PT Gani Arta Dwitunggal, manufacturer of Aquatec floating marine cages, declared their readiness to support Indonesia’s white snapper cultivation program in the future days by supplying domestically made offshore marine cages. “Aquatec marine cage has been tested for its strength and durability against 3m high waves. Aquatec Heavy Duty marine cage and Single Anchor marine cage that can withstand 6m high waves are also readily available. The Aquatec Submersible marine cage, which can be submersed and refloated, can withstand waves of any height,” Andi said.
He explained, Aquatec is the pioneer of rectangular and circular floating marine cages in Indonesia, and has successfully supported white snapper cultivation in Indonesia for the past 10 years.
As many as 15,000 units of Aquatec marine cage has been used all across Indonesia. Many parties have admitted the superiorities of this product for white snapper cultivation. Some of these parties are the Association of Marine Cultivated Fishery (BPBL) of Batam, and the Marine and Fishery Agency (DKP) of East Belitung District.
Aquatec Marine Cage
As stated by the Head of BPBL Batam, Toha Tusiadi, who has been using Aquatec KJA since 2011, Aquatec marine cage is superior compared to other similar products. He has compared it with products from Malaysia and France. According to him, Aquatec has far more long-lasting durability.
“The cultivators become more focused on the production process without having to waste so much energy trying to fix the marine cages. Another advantage is that this marine cage can endure waves and is more durable, hence the lifetime is longer. The adjustment is more flexible and the maintenance is relatively cheap,” Toha explained.
BPBL Batam has reaped the cultivation yields from using Aquatec marine cage. One of which is white snapper. Toha said, the white snapper cultivation potential in Batam, Pinang Bay, and Bintan regions are still wide open. Especially when projected for production for export market. BPBL Batam is currently able to produce approximately 2.5 to 3 tons of white snapper per month, which is completely absorbed by Batam local market.
“The potential and environmental support capacity for white snapper cultivation in the Riau Islands territory still have room for intensification and intensification. The same goes for the local market potential, due to the rapidly increasing tourist visitation rate to this region,” Toha said.
Also speaking is the Head of the Small Business Empowerment and Fishery Cultivation Management Division (DKP) of East Belitung, Mappamadeng. He stated that the white snapper potential in his territory is also considerably large and is continuously developed. The seeds are also easy to obtain and is well accepted in local market.
“The government has been intensely increasing national white snapper production for export purposes. We see this effort as a big potential to develop the white snapper cultivation in our region. For that we are preparing trained cultivators, and we hope the knowledge can be socialized to the people in general,” Mappamadeng explained.
In supporting their own cultivation, East Belitung DKP has been using Aquatec products for a long time. “In terms of quality, we do not doubt Aquatec products. We have been using its various products such as the Aquatec flexi, octagonal, and square marine cage, Catamaran boats, and watch houses,” he said.
Aside from its 30-year lifetime and easy maintenance, Aquatec marine cage is also environmentally friendly. Previously, East Belitung DKP used marine cage made out of woods. The woods had to be replaced every year. With Aquatec, the expenses made for buying woods and drums are no longer necessary. The Aquatec technicians are also ready to assist anytime they are needed.
According to him, Aquatec highly supports national fishery cultivation. His expectation is for Aquatec to keep coming up with high quality marine cages with affordable price, so the people can be more independent. Aquatec products are now listed in e-catalog.
ITROBOS Aqua / Adv